• Mesotherapy

    The Pros of Mesotherapy for Hair Loss: An Intensive Treatment That Can Renew Your Scalp and Promote Hair Growth and Thickness. Learn more about this minimally invasive procedure.

    The treatment known as Enter Mesotherapy is not just a set of injections, but it is about giving people confidence back in their lives.

    Described as a scientific process, Mesotherapy guarantees to restore your scalp to its healthy state, a process of sprouting every hair. It is not just a procedure, it is a way of regaining the confidence which hair loss leaves one with.

    Definition and history of Mesotherapy

    In Mesotherapy, a solution containing vitamins, enzymes, hormones, and plant sections is injected into the skin. Dr. Michel Pistor, a French doctor, first used Mesotherapy in 1952 to treat pain and improve blood circulation. It has gradually found its way into cosmetic medicine, such as hair loss treatments.

    Mesotherapy is believed to work for hair loss by providing concentrated nutrients directly to the hair follicle. This procedure is assumed to enhance circulation, reduce inflammation, and stimulate hair follicles to create more resilient hair strands.

    The treatment desires to nourish and hydrate the scalp to arrest hair loss, enhance hair thickness, and promote the hydration of the scalp.

    Although Mesotherapy is a well-liked treatment for hair loss, its efficacy varies from person to person, so it’s vital to speak with a healthcare provider before proceeding. 

    How Mesotherapy Works for Hair Loss

    • Mechanism of Action: Mesotherapy injects a specific nutrient cocktail into the skin’s middle layer, the mesoderm, which is home to hair follicles. This direct method guarantees that the nutrients enter the hair follicles more effectively than oral or topical therapies—the tiny injections cause microscopic wounds on the scalp, triggering the body’s healing process. Increased blood flow, the synthesis of collagen, and the transport of growth elements necessary for good hair development are all parts of this reaction.
    • Ingredients Used in Mesotherapy for Hair Loss

    Depending on the patient’s demands and the practitioner’s experience, the precise combination of chemicals used in Mesotherapy may change. Typical components consist of:


    • B-complex vitamins (B5, B6, B12) are essential for healthy hair growth and strength.
    • Vitamin C stimulates collagen synthesis and functions as an antioxidant.
    • Vitamin E improves blood circulation and acts as an antioxidant.


    • Zinc, which plays a crucial role in hair tissue development and restoration.
    • Copper helps build collagen and elastin.

    Amino Acids

    • Essential amino acids are protein’s building blocks for hair strength and growth.

    Growth Factors

    • Substances like stem cell growth factors that can stimulate and activate hair follicle cells.


    • Enzymes that aid in metabolic processes necessary for hair growth.

    Other Ingredients

    •  Hyaluronic acid for hydration and nourishment.

    How Mesotherapy Stimulates Hair Follicles and Promotes Growth

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    • Enhanced Blood Circulation: The micro-injuries caused by the injections and the nutrients delivered directly to the hair follicles improve blood flow to the scalp. Enhanced blood circulation ensures hair follicles receive a good supply of oxygen and nutrients for their health and growth.
    • Nutrient Delivery: By injecting a concentrated mix of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids directly into the scalp, Mesotherapy ensures hair follicles receive the essential nutrients they need to function optimally. This targeted nutrient delivery helps to rejuvenate dormant hair follicles and promote new hair growth.
    • Nutrient Delivery: By injecting a concentrated mix of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids directly into the scalp, Mesotherapy ensures hair follicles receive the essential nutrients they need to function optimally. This targeted nutrient delivery helps to rejuvenate dormant hair follicles and promote new hair growth.
    • Stimulation of Collagen and Elastin Production: Micro-needling during Mesotherapy induces the presentation of collagen and elastin in the scalp. Collagen strengthens the hair structure, while elastin maintains the elasticity and health of the hair follicles.
    • Reduction of DHT Levels: Some mesotherapy formulations include ingredients that inhibit the formation of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone that contributes to hair loss, especially in androgenetic alopecia. By reducing DHT levels, Mesotherapy helps to prevent further hair loss and promotes regrowth.
    • Activation of Growth Factors: Growth factors in the mesotherapy cocktail stimulate hair follicle cells and prolong the hair cycle’s anagen (growth) phase. This leads to thicker, healthier hair and a reduction in hair shedding.

    Through these mechanisms, Mesotherapy halts hair loss and revitalizes hair follicles, leading to thicker, stronger, and healthier hair growth.

    The Mesotherapy Procedure

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    Mesotherapy is a minimally invasive technique that involves helping microinjections into the mesoderm, the middle layer of the skin. Although the method is somewhat simple, accuracy and knowledge are needed.

    The Mesotherapy Procedure:

    Consultation and Treatment Plan:

    A consultation is first held to discuss the objectives and establish reasonable expectations for the course of treatment. 

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    Area Preparation:

    To reduce discomfort, the targeted area is cleaned and may be topically anesthetic-numbed. 

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    Solution Selection:

    A customized solution might include different ingredients and be made to meet the individual’s demands. 

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    Injection Technique:

    Using a tiny needle, the practitioner administers injections between one and four millimetres below the surface. A mechanical pistol that attaches to the needle can be used to quickly provide several injections, one after the other. 

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    Session Frequency: 

    Usually, several sessions are needed, first scheduled seven to ten days apart. Sessions may be spread out to occur once every two weeks or once a month when progress is noted. 

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    Substances Used in Mesotherapy and Their Roles:

    • Minerals and vitamins: These give the hair follicles the vital resources to grow and stay healthy. 
    • Collagenase and hyaluronidase are two examples of enzymes that can break down connective tissue and increase the skin’s suppleness.
    • Hormones, Such as thyroxin and calcitonin, can impact metabolism and hair growth.
    • Herbal extracts are frequently utilized because of their inherent medicinal qualities.
    • Antibiotics and vasodilators are examples of prescription medications that can treat infections and increase blood flow.

    Combining these substances is designed to rejuvenate and nourish the scalp, potentially leading to improved hair growth and reduced hair loss. It’s important to note that the specific formula used in Mesotherapy can vary greatly depending on the practitioner and the individual’s unique needs.

    Always ensure a qualified healthcare professional performs the therapy to minimize risks and maximize possible benefits.


    Mesotherapy is increasingly recognized for its potential benefits in hair restoration. Here’s a summary of the key advantages it offers:

    • Minimally Invasive Treatment: Non-surgical mesotherapy uses microinjections slightly below the skin’s surface. It may be done without anesthesia and doesn’t require a lengthy recovery period, so it’s typically regarded as safe.
    • Improves Hair Density and Thickness: By directly delivering a mix of nutrients to the hair follicles, Mesotherapy can improve hair density and promote the growth of thicker, healthier hair strands. This treatment is based on the premise that hair loss problems are often due to nutrient deficiencies and poor blood circulation in the scalp. 
    • Tailored Care Depending on Individual Needs: Mesotherapy options can be customized to meet the accurate needs of each patient about their hair loss issue. This individualized method allows the addition of particular chemicals, minerals, vitamins, amino acids, co-enzymes, and nucleic acids that are best for the person’s hair health.
    • Can Be Used with Other Hair Loss remedies: Topical applications and oral drugs are examples of other hair loss therapies that can be combined with Mesotherapy. This additional method can increase the efficacy of hair restoration techniques.

    Apart from these advantages, Mesotherapy has the potential to progressively reestablish hormonal equilibrium, hence aiding in the consistent development of new hair.

    Maintaining a healthy diet, practicing excellent sleep hygiene, and controlling stress can all improve hair health and increase the benefits of mesotherapy.

    Side Effects

    Common Side Effects

    Mesotherapy is generally considered a safe method, but like any medical therapy, it can have side effects. The most typical side effects are typically mild and temporary, including:

    • Redness: Mild redness at the injection sites usually subsides within a few hours.
    • Swelling: Slight swelling in the treated area typically goes down within a day or two.
    • Bruising: Small bruises may appear around the injection sites but usually heal within a few days.
    • Tenderness: In the moments following the procedure, the scalp could feel sensitive or irritated. 

    These common side effects are usually manageable and do not require significant downtime.

    Uncommon Issues

    Although they are uncommon, the following possible side effects of mesotherapy exist:

    • Infection: If the procedure is not carried out in a sterile setting, the injection sites may become infected.
    • Allergic Reactions: The chemicals in the mesotherapy cocktail may cause allergic reactions in certain people.
    • Nodule Formation: Little lumps or nodules may develop beneath the skin if the injections are not given appropriately.
    • Damage to Nerves or Tissues: Improper injection technique may injure the nerves or tissues underneath. 

    These complications are uncommon, mainly when a skilled and experienced practitioner performs the procedure.

    How to Minimize Risks

    To minimize the risks associated with Mesotherapy, consider the following precautions:

    • Select a Certified Professional: Make sure the dermatologist or hair restoration doctor doing the operation has the necessary training and experience.
    • Sterile Environment: Confirm that the clinic follows sterile equipment and strict hygiene regulations.
    • Disclosure of Medical History: Before using the substances, you should provide your doctor with a thorough medical history to prevent any negative reactions.
    • Observe the post-treatment guidelines: Follow your practitioner’s aftercare instructions to expedite healing and lower the chance of problems.
    • Patch Test: Before beginning therapy, ask for a patch test if you have susceptible skin or a history of allergies. 

    Who is a Good Candidate for Mesotherapy?           

    Mesotherapy is a versatile treatment that caters to various cosmetic and medical concerns. Here’s a guide to understanding who might be a good candidate for this procedure:

    • Ideal Candidates
    • those who have fat deposits that are resistant to diet and activity modifications. 
    • those looking for non-surgical ways to target targeted fat, reduce cellulite, and rejuvenate their skin. 
    • People who have achieved their ideal weight and are in good health.
    • Patients who are mildly to moderately concerned about hair thinning and early aging.
    • Conditions Suitable
    • Alopecia: Treats disorders such as alopecia to encourage hair growth.
    • Skin Rejuvenation: Improves the suppleness of the skin and minimizes wrinkles.
    • Fat Reduction: focuses on localized fat deposits and cellulite.
    • Problems with Pigmentation: Lightens skin that is pigmented.
    • When to Consult a Doctor
    • General Health and Medical History: Your physician will evaluate the general state of your health and any illnesses that could compromise the efficacy or safety of the treatment.
    • Sensitivities or Allergies: It is important to discuss any sensitivity or allergy to the ingredients used in mesotherapy.
    • Specific Skin Concerns: The doctor will consider the specific issues with your skin or hair that you would like mesotherapy to help with. 

    It’s essential to have a detailed consultation with a qualified medical professional who can provide a personalized assessment and determine if Mesotherapy is the right option for you.

    Inquire about any prerequisites for the treatment, such as avoiding sun exposure or blood thinners.

    Mesotherapy vs. Other Hair Restoration Methods 

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    Here’s a comparison Mesotherapy with other hair restoration methods, including PRP Therapy, Micro-needling, Laser Hair Therapy, Minoxidil, Finasteride, and Hair Transplants:

    Because mesotherapy provides a personalized mixture of medicines to address hair loss at its root, it may be preferred over other options. It’s a flexible therapy that can be coupled with other therapies to improve outcomes and is customized to meet the needs of per patient.

    Cost of Mesotherapy for Hair Loss

    Cost range for mesotherapy treatments in both INR and USD,

    AspectCost in India (INR)Cost in the USA (USD)Considerations
    Single SessionRS 5,000 – RS 15,000 $70 – $200 Consult with a healthcare provider to ensure suitability.
    Multiple SessionRS 20,000 – RS 60,000 $280 – $800Consider the practitioner’s expertise and the clinic’s reputation.

    Before deciding on Mesotherapy, it’s essential to consider the total cost of treatment, which may include multiple sessions, and consult with a healthcare provider to determine if it’s the right option for you. The fees vary based on several factors.


    Mesotherapy has emerged as a significant option in hair loss treatments, offering a blend of science and convenience. Its potential lies in its ability to deliver nutrients directly to the scalp, fostering an environment conducive to hair growth.

    • Mesotherapy’s customizable approach allows treatments to be tailored to individual needs, potentially leading to better outcomes.
    • As a non-invasive procedure, it offers an alternative for those hesitant about surgical options like hair transplants.
    • It can be used with other treatments, potentially enhancing overall results.
    • Always begin with a professional consultation to assess suitability and discuss expectations.
    • Investigate the credentials and experience of the practitioner.
    • Evaluate the expense in light of the anticipated gains and contrast it with other accessible therapies. 

    Mesotherapy could be a valuable addition to the arsenal against hair loss, particularly for those seeking a less invasive, customizable solution. However, as with any medical treatment, it is crucial to proceed with informed consent and under the guidance of qualified professionals.


    1. What is Mesotherapy for hair loss?

      Mesotherapy for hair loss is a non-invasive procedure involving micro-injections of a customized blend of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients into the scalp. This process stimulates hair follicles, promotes growth, and improves scalp health.

    2. How does Mesotherapy work for hair loss?

      The micro-injections deliver essential nutrients directly to the hair follicles, enhancing blood circulation and strengthening the follicles. This process promotes the growth of new hair, increases hair density, and improves the overall health of the scalp.

    3. Is Mesotherapy painful?

      Most patients experience minimal discomfort during Mesotherapy. A numbing cream is often applied to the scalp before the procedure to reduce pain. Patients may feel slight pressure or a tingling sensation during the injections.

    4. How many mesotherapy sessions are needed for hair growth?

      The degree of the patient’s hair loss and how well they react to treatment will decide how many sessions are needed. For best effects, 6–10 sessions spaced 1-2 weeks apart are usually advised. Every few months, maintenance sessions can be required.

    5. Is it possible to combine mesotherapy with other hair restoration procedures?

      Indeed, for better outcomes, mesotherapy can be used in conjunction with other procedures, including PRP therapy, micro needling, and laser hair therapy. Combining therapies can offer a more all-encompassing hair restoration strategy. 

    6. Does insurance cover mesotherapy?

      Insurance does not usually pay for mesotherapy for hair loss because it is primarily regarded as cosmetic surgery. Some clinics, however, provide financing choices or payment plans to assist with cost management.

    7. Are mesotherapy outcomes long-lasting?

      Results from mesotherapy are not always permanent, but they can last a long time. Regular maintenance sessions could be necessary to keep them going. The underlying cause of hair loss, compliance with follow-up therapies, and lifestyle modifications affect how long the results last.